Traditional Model
and Montessori
At the BSCA
Teacher decides pacing of curriculum for entire class
Curriculum is paced according to student ability and interest
Projects: student interest/choice - align with standards + project process
Students practice skills and memorize facts
Students practice skills in meaningful context and learn by doing
Innovate for real world connections, Connect with resources and experts, Public presentations
Products are of primary importance (i.e. answers on tests)
The process of learning is honored foremost
Ask good questions & practice good research skills,
Project Process - 4 phases
Avoiding mistakes is important
Mistakes are an important key to learning
Advisory Time, Critical thinking, Students reflect on learning
Performance on tests is highly valued
Tests meaningfully access only a portion of overall learning
Formative assessments, observations, and discussions - not grades
Teachers do the evaluating and grading
Student self-assessment plays a pivotal role
Product created to show learning- not worksheets/tests.
Students have voice in running the school.
Project Rubric filled out w/advisor + student input
Learning is expected to be uniform
Each student learns in his or her own way and course
Students create their tasks & timelines & reflect on learning,
Connect with resources
Focuses attention on what to learn
Attention is given to how students learn, and why
Individualized, Personal Learning Plans
Promotes genre and skill-based teaching
Promotes holistic and integrated learning
Experience Days and Seminars, Individual projects, Service Learning, Multi-age, Problem Solving